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Set Bonus

Read Details
  • Exo Agent Avatar Frame

  • Advanced Walkie-talkie x 1

  • Wing Suit

In the plan of consciousness I saw the dark shadows emerging from the wilderness.

Like an awakening beast that interbreed with my beloved human race.

[File No. KT10532 , Permission Verification Passed, Recording File, reading... - ]

" Agents, if you can't give us enough reasons, the headquarters will increase your risk level and even execute destruction procedures. "


" Look, Betty, as a friend, I will never believe that Ashley will desert; but you have to tell me why did you shut down the communication with the headquarters after the mission was completed? "


" Betty, if you continue to remain silent on this,the accusations of Ashley will indeed be impossible to establish because of insufficient evidence, but those suspicions and rumors will never disappear. You ..."

"Will not."

"... What? "

"In the accidental explosion the No. 7 agent was killed. His name will be engraved on the monument we will create and his family will be retired. This is everything I have to say. "

[File No. DL652 , permission verification passed, recording file, reading... - ]

"Ashley Freeman, agent number 07. I accept the new intelligent partner. "

" Good girl, you learn so fast. "

" Be careful! Ok... Maybe this is me thinking too much. I am sure you can handle this well. "

" Look at this month's assessment report! It's incredible. I'm afraid I will be assisting you in the official mission. "

" I have to say, Fran, if the research center gang has done anything good these years, it was sending me Betty. "

" Why did I name her that? My friend, she is as important as you are. She is ... She is the best. "

[File No. HS7850 , Permission verification passed, recording file, reading... - ]

"07 report, the task is"

[Developer privilege verification passed - memory chip unlocked - specified date storage space unlocked - recording file reading... - ]

" Listen to me, Betty, I've been preparing for this day for a long time. You don't have to try to convince me. "

" But you may be ..."

" Good girl, this is not something you need to worry about. I know you can't lie, tell them when you go back. All responsibility lies with me. It has nothing to do with you. "

" I will not ..."

" Well, now let's say that even the biggest blockade can’t stop me ... (Noise gradually getting higher) No ... This is ... (Big noise) Run! Betty! Run!! "

I ran out of the shadow of that giant and could not help but look back.

From close by it looked like a monster, from far away it looked like a god...


1. 完美人形专属头像框 —— 拥有“完美人形“时装即送

2. 高级对讲机*1 —— 向好友赠送“完美人形“时装后即送

3. 完美人形专属翼装 —— 穿着“完美人形“时装参与一次战斗即送


1. パーペキ人形専属アイコン枠 —— 衣装「パーペキ人形」をゲットするとプレゼント

2. 高級スピーカー1つ —— フレンドに衣装「パーペキ人形」を贈呈するとプレゼント

3. パーペキ人形専属飛行服 —— 衣装「パーペキ人形」装着で1回戦闘するとプレゼント


1. 完美人形專屬頭像框 —— 擁有完美人形時裝即送

2. 高級對講機 —— 向好友贈送完美人形時裝后即送

3. 完美人形專屬翼裝 —— 穿著完美人形時裝參與一次戰鬥即送

You will get extra rewards after buying the Exo Agent set as follows:

1. Exo Agent Avatar Frame —— given as a bonus with the set

2. Advanced Walkie-talkie x 1 —— given as a bonus with the set

3. Wing Suit —— You have to use the set and join one match to get this item